«Blair married to Moulton
Leeds Blair, servant to Vigoreux?? Esqr, First Lieutenant in the Royal
Enginers, widower, was married (by Banns duly published) to Diane Moulton,
a Negroe, single woman, of the City of Quebec, this twenty sixth day of
January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four.
By me Father Jehosaphat Mountain,
Rector of the English Church at Quebec
Contracting parties Leeds Blair, his mark +
Diana Moulton,
her mark +
Present Robert Jackson, his mark +
Catherine Jackson, her mark +».
Noter que les informations sont souvent sommaires dans le
cas de personnes noires et qu'il est fréquent dans les registres de l'état
civil non catholiques que le nom des personnes concernées soit souligné. Enfin,
il est possible que l'époux soit également un noir, ce qu'il faudrait vérifier.
[Summary :
The church record for a marriage in
Québec, Québec.]
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