samedi 11 août 2012

Décédée à Québec près des Plaines d'Abraham

Les registres de la paroisse Saint-Patrick de Québec pour le 25 avril 1856 font état de l'acte de sépulture suivant : 

«Burial 66   Mary Farrell 

On the twenty fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty six, we undersigned Priest Vicar of St. Patrick's church, have interred in the cemetery of said church, the body of Mary Farrell, whose parents are not known; deceased the morning of the twenty second of the present month near the Plains of Abraham by inflammation of the lungs brought on by exposure to cold and excessive drinking as appears from the certificate of the Coroner and his inquest held on the said day and said place. Aged twenty eight years. Present James Moore and Francois Nadeau who have signed with us.
J Moore       Fr. Nadeau       J.V. Campbell P.V».

Cet acte de sépulture rappelle que l'alcoolisme était répandu à cette époque et touchait également les femmes.

[Summary :
The church record for the burying of a woman in Québec, Québec.]

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