mercredi 21 mars 2012

«...John Smith, an idiot...»

Les registres de l'Anglican Cathedral Holy Trinity Church de Québec pour le 26 janvier 1817 font état de l'acte de sépulture suivant :                                    

«Smith Buried 

John Smith, an idiot, whose parents were in his Majesty's hundred and fourth Regiment of foot, aged about seventeenth years, died (at the General Hospital) January the twenty first and was buried January the twenty sixth, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeenth.
By me  Father Jehosaphat Mountain
Officiating Minister at Quebec
Jerh Wright Clarke       Chad Linton Sexton».

Avec un nom aussi commun et ses parents qui sont pas nommés l'identification de ce jeune homme sera malaisée. 

[Summary :
The church record for the burying of a young boy in Québec, Québec.]

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