dimanche 22 avril 2012

Un soldat exécuté pour meurtre à Québec

Les registres de l'Anglican Cathedral Holy Trinity Church de Québec pour le 5 novembre 1808 font état de l'acte de sépulture suivant :                            

«Craig Buried 

James Craig, private soldier in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment of Flexible Infantry, aged about sixty two years, was executed for murder, October the twenty eighth and was buried November the fifth in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight.
by me Father Jehosaphat Mountain
Deputy Chaplain to the garrison of Quebec
present    Louis Hamel his mark  +       Chas Linton Sexton cf».

Noter l'âge avancé de ce soldat et le délai de huit jours entre la date du décès et celle de l'inhumation.

[Summary :
The church record for the burying of an executed soldier in Québec, Québec.]

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