mercredi 29 janvier 2014

La mariée est aussi connue sous un autre nom

Les registres de l'International Advent Church de Waterloo pour le 23 août 1905 font état de l'extrait de l'acte de mariage suivant : 

«Married. On this twenty third day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and five (1905) Dewey Elston Bullis, bachelor and farmer, son of William Joseph Bullis, farmer, and Jane C. Smith his wife, al of the Township of Shefford, County of Shefford and Province of Quebec.
    And Mary Janet Thompson, spinster daughter of Richworth Thompson, farmer and Martha Hill his wife now both deceased in and in their lifetime of the Township County and Province afore named.
     And while this is the parentage of the bride She is better known as Marion Elberta Beers, having been adopted in infancy by Richard Beers, stone mason and Martha S. Allard his wife all of the Town of Waterloo, County of Shefford, Province of Quebec.
    Were by Authority of license united in the bonds of Marriage...». 

Les cas d'adoption d'un enfant impliquent souvent un changement de nom; certains actes des registres de l'état civil en font parfois mention.

[Summary :
The church record for a marriage in Waterloo, Québec.]

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