jeudi 21 janvier 2021

L’acte de sépulture d’un enfant né de parents inconnus


Les registres de la paroisse Sainte-Agnès de Dundee pour le 9 septembre 1909 font état de l’acte de sépulture suivant :

«S. 8   Illégitime J Samuel Leo

The ninth of September nineteen hundred and nine We the undersigned and administrator have interred in the cemetery of this parish the body of Joseph Samuel Leo, born from of unknown parents, four months of age. Were present the god father of the dead child and his uncle who has signed with us. The act has been read to the parties.

Henry Ouimet.

                x Fr. Thomas Marie. (desservant)».

La signature du parrain et oncle de ce garçon fournit un élément important pour l’identification de ce dernier.


[Summry :

The church record for the burying of a boy in Dundee, Québec.]

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