lundi 14 novembre 2022

Un mariage revalidé à Dundee

Les registres de la paroisse Sainte-Agnès de Dundee pour le 29 octobre 1905 font état de la revalidation du mariage suivant :

«Rehabilitation of marriage  J. Gosselin & M. Mainville

The twenty-nine of October nineteen hundred and five, before us the undersigned Pap parish priest, appeared James Gosselin, labourer, of this parish, son of age of the late Benjamn Gosselin and of Marceline Nero, on the one part, and Mary Mainville, also of this parish, daughter minor of Charles Mainville and of Mathilda Dufresne on the other part, who declared that they have already contracted marriage on the thirtieth of april last in the parish Fort Covington, U.S.A. but that the said marriage having afterwards being found to be doubtful or null on account of non domicile, in said parish of Fort Covington, and no authorization + to the parish priest of said parish to marry them, the parties, upon the recommendations of theirs Lordships, Bishops H Gabriels, of Ogdensburgh, and Bishop J.M. Emard of Valleyfield, wish to have their marriage rehabilitated ; therefore, having discovered no other impediment and whereas a dispensation of three banns has also been granted, we the undersigned parish priest, have received their mutual consent of marriage, in presence of Thomas Rowley, and Alfred Deragon, of this parish, ; # who as the of this act has been read tothe parties

Four words erazed, nul. Two marginal notes good

    May Mainville

    Thomas Rawly

                              J.A. Derome Ptre Curé».

Dans la marge, on peut lire les annotations suivantes :

«+ having been given  M.M.  T R  J.A. D. Ptre» ;


« # and Alfred Deragon of the parish of St Anicet  M. M.  T R  J.A. D. Ptre».

Noter la dispense de territoire, l’absence de numérotation de l’acte  et l’intervention de deux évêques.

[Summary :
The church record for the rehabilitation of a marriage in Dundee, Québec.]

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